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Killian O’ Dwyer is a graduate tutor and PhD researcher in the Department of Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London. Killian’s research examines how and why sex comes to matter in art, literature and political arenas. His areas of interests include deconstruction, sexual politics/poetics, animalities, film studies, queer theory and trans-feminist philosophies. Drawing extensively on the work of Jacques Derrida and Luce Irigaray, Killian’s doctoral work  calls for a ‘lubricants of difference’ that welcomes the undecidability and variability of sexes across biological and cultural contexts. By attending to films where the visible representation of secretions luxates the divide between human and nonhuman, Killian’s doctoral project examines how the lived and lively contingencies of bodies congeal to form a deeply axiomatic relationship between sex, space and time, where the sexual is inextricable from the spatioconditions of life and the living. Killian also works in the Graduate School of Arts and Science for New York University, where he coordinates the MA programme in Historical and Sustainable Architecture. 

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