Conversations/Conversing (Part One) - Callum Bradley

This workshop is divided into three parts, following an overall intention to explore the potential of conversation, between ourselves, scholastic viewpoints and across the senses, as a site for activating indeterminate encounters. Some general theories of conversation in relation to research practices will be discussed. Callum will also talk about his recent collaboration with drag artist, Charity Kase - a series of interviews and reflective responses, to be published in the 'Posthuman Drag' special edition of the Journal of Queer Studies in Popular Culture. Finally, this workshop aims to converse (with) conversation across the senses, making use of projective geometry. In practical terms, participants will be partnered-up, and engage in collaborative work that utilises both the spoken word and modes of visual representation to push the limits of conversation, in terms of the possibility of a shared gaze and collaborative figuration.